'Music' Tagged Posts
A Foretaste Of Heaven In 57 Seconds
This is an older video but I have to say that when I was at the 2012 event it was incredible to be in a stadium with 9000 (mainly) men and women singing hymns to the glory of God. It was an amazingly powerful and emotional experience. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eSYSa8mm10&feature=youtu.be] Bob Kauflin makes some interesting points about worship at the…
The Prodigal Son
Enjoy your day. [vimeo http://vimeo.com/11905325]
The Wonderful Healing Power of Music!
I love this little clip. Give it a minute. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NKDXuCE7LeQ#!]
Don’t Just Sing About It! Start Worshipping God Today & Everyday!
By Andy Constable Recently, I have been doing a series in the evenings on the subject of Biblical Worship. It is an important subject to think about in a culture where worship is simply seen as what we sing on a Sunday and/or, perhaps, connected with having an emotional experience. Because of the…
Just when you thought it coudn’t get any worse, this happens!!
Just before you watch this very famous clip I would like to make a few points in relation to church planting. 1. As a person who has spoken in churches around the world, I have had hands on experience of the ‘piano lady’. Some of my most painful moments have come at funerals with some…