'Holiness' Tagged Posts
Holiness & The Church Planter
“For this is the will of God, your sanctification” (1 Thessalonians 4:3). At our “In this City” Conference last night, Tim Chester was looking at the issue of the church planter and purity. Character before gifts is a fundamental premise of all Christian leadership and Crossway have produced a helpful list of e-books on the topic of pursuing holiness. Worth…
How Does The Church Planter “Put Off” Lust?
Some helpful thoughts here on an issue that affects all of us.
Don Carson on Pursuing Holiness & Fighting Pornography
There is a great three minute interview here with Don on the issue of holiness and pornography.
T4G Conference 2012: Relating it to Housing Schemes (4) “How The Gospel Leads to Law Keeping!”
Speaker: Kevin DeYoung Text: 1 Corinthians 15:10 Title: Spirit-Powered, Gospel-Driven, Faith-Fueled Effort This was a man whose books I have read, reviewed and respected and so I was expecting much as he came to speak to us.…
Are You a Porn Addict?
by Andy Constable We live in a highly sexualised culture with a multi billion pound sex industry. In the USA, 3000 dollars per second is spent on pornography. Sadly, this is a problem that many Christian men struggle with. They try to escape the reality of their lives through sexual fantasising. They give in to their lusts and seek fulfillment through sexual…
Soul Sadness
I have just read an interesting quote. ‘A Pharisee who does nothing but focus on avoiding sin is still concentrating on sin, which makes him or her just as obsessed with sin as the person who voraciously lives in it. Both are consumed by sin – one to avoid it, the other to live in it. Both lack the joy, peace and freedom of life in Christ.’ (p88.…
Thirsting For God (2)
Some time ago I posted on a book I have been reading by Gary L Thomas called: ‘Thirsting For God’. This is the second part of a review of my findings thus far. Consider this long, but interesting quote. ‘Replacing a vice with a virtue can be used to change our social environments. I once worked in a grocery store….and the backbiting and slander…