'creation' Tagged Posts
The Manifold Wisdom of God
I am showing this today in our service. It reminds us that even though creation screams out His majesty and wisdom, Ephesians 3:10 tells us that it is the church that is His megaphone to the spiritual realms. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MijIrXEkSGY&noredirect=1]
The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God
Ken Ham v Hugh Ross
I found this online recently. The rationale behind some of the apologetic approaches is fascinating from a natural scientific perspective. Tellingly, Ham was consistently bringing things back to Scripture as our starting point for dealing with people.See what you think. watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zgueGotRqbM#!
A Chance to Marvel at God’s Handiwork & My Holiday for 3 Weeks
I am going away with my family for a holiday for the next 3 weeks. That’s means that I won’t be writing any serious articles for a while. However, I have left some interesting links for one of my team to post on here daily. I hope you find them helpful. I am taking quite a lot of…
Creation Issues
Let me tell you straight off the bat that I am a 6 day creationist. By that I mean that God created the world in six , literal 24 hour periods as written in Genesis 1. I believe that the book of Genesis is historical fact and not elevated Hebraic prose. Contrary to perceived opinions I don’t hate science, have a poster of Ken Ham up in my bedroom (my wife…