'Christianity' Tagged Posts
Something From Nothing?
Continuing my apologetics weekend, here is a great link to a brilliant article by Peter. S. Williams on the “Bethinking” website. Take your time and enjoy it here. Who Designed the Designer? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vV0_nZvJfeI#!] If you’re really into this stuff – here’s 2 hours of debate!…
Atheism: An Opiate For The Masses?
“The atheist’s argument goes like this: you want there to be a God. So you invent him. Your religious views are invented to correspond to what you want. But this line of argument works just as well against atheism. Imagine an extermination camp commandant during the Second World War. Would there not be excellent reasons for supposing that he might hope that God does…