'christian living' Tagged Posts
Let’s Talk About Sex!
Every pastor I know has a story to tell of somebody they know and/or knew in the ministry who has fallen foul of sexual infidelity or some sort of deep seated, habitual sexual sin. I have been a pastor for 13 years and I can tell you from personal experience that I am counselling more men than ever before on pornography issues. Many of us in ministry will read that last…
Idealistic Community v Realistic Community
What a great little post from Brad Evangelista here on this issue. The post is from 2009 but it is a great reminder for us as we live in a consumerist, church hopping culture. Bonhoeffer’s little book, ‘Life Together’ which he quotes from, is a 100% convicting, God honouring piece of literature that I would recommend to all. Take the time to check out…