'apologetics' Tagged Posts
Ken Ham v Hugh Ross
I found this online recently. The rationale behind some of the apologetic approaches is fascinating from a natural scientific perspective. Tellingly, Ham was consistently bringing things back to Scripture as our starting point for dealing with people.See what you think. watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zgueGotRqbM#!
Where Was God At The Denver Shooting?
Al Mohler gets to grip with the problem of evil here.
Something From Nothing?
Continuing my apologetics weekend, here is a great link to a brilliant article by Peter. S. Williams on the “Bethinking” website. Take your time and enjoy it here. Who Designed the Designer? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vV0_nZvJfeI#!] If you’re really into this stuff – here’s 2 hours of debate!…
Homosexuality, Christianity & The Gospel
JD Greear has written a four part article here on this controversial issue. Worth a read.
How can Christians be so dumb when it comes to believing that the Bible is 100% true?
There is a great website called www.ehrmanproject.com which seeks to delve into some of these questions and more. Warning! Serious Scholarly Material Included.
Engaging Muslims with the Gospel
By Andy Constable This week I was privileged to attend the Acts29WE conference in London. Mez is going to write a report on what he learned from the main sessions, but I thought I would share one of the seminars that I attended on ‘engaging with Muslims’. It was taken by J.D. Greear who spent 2 years planting a church in Indonesia (a place that is 99% Islamic)…