'20 Schemes Team' Tagged Posts
Niddrie Pastor Is Shutting Down! 20Schemes Has Now Offically Launched!
What a Wonderful World (In 16 Musical Genres)!
As you can tell I am using lots of video fillers for the Christmas season. Tomorrow I will start the countdown on my top 3 blog posts of 2012 (statistically). Then, early in the New Year I will be leaving this blog and starting over at www.20schemes.com. However, I will give plenty of notice about…
Christmas Newsletter 2012: Why My Family Is Better Than Yours
About 5 years ago, in response to the countless Christmas Family Newsletters we receive each year, we began our own ‘alternative’ version. It was partly due to my irritation at being told how good ‘Rupert’ was at the trombone now or how ‘Felicity’ had been voted…
20 Schemes USA Launch: Some Observations
As many of you are aware, I have recently returned from the USA launch of 20Schemes. I suggest you click on the link if you do not know what that is. 20schemes is partnering with Bardstown Christian Fellowship in the planting and revitalisation of gospel centred churches in some of Scotland’s poorest housing schemes. As I was there for 5 days of intense meetings,…
Gay Marriage Issues: A Christian Response
I have been away in the US for the launch of 20 schemes and so I have been a bit disorganised with my posts. Tomorrow, I hope to post a review of my trip overseas. But, for today, I will link to two posts that struck me for different reasons. John Stevens link here. A really helpful (and in-depth) article on the gay marriage debate. Please take the time to read it…
Church Planting Opportunities In Scottish Schemes
Please visit our site: www.20schemes.com for more details. [vimeo http://vimeo.com/55465139]
Why Pastors Should Kill Stuff!
The ironic thing about this video is I am uploading it at 4:30am because I can’t sleep. Although, in my own defence, I am in America and 5 hours out of sync with my body clock. Enjoy this discussion on why so many of us are tired all the time. Challenging stuff personally as I work in Niddrie, train leaders and seek to establish 20 schemes as a ministry in Scotland.…
20 Schemes Shout Out On TGC Blog!
I was encouraged to see Thabiti Anyabwile give a shout out to the work of 20Schemes on his blog recently. Check it out here. We are praying for a new wave of gospel workers and church planters to come and help us establish healthy, gospel centred churches in Scotland’s housing schemes.
20 Schemes – Gospel Churches For Scotland’s Poorest
We are launching our Niddrie’s new church planting initiative in the next few weeks. We currently have a Facebook page which you can like here. This weekend we will be launching our new website. Last week, as many of you know, we launched in America at the SEBTs 2012, 9Marks Conference and we…
Where Will Our Future leaders Come From?
At Niddrie we will be launching a new church planting initiative within the next month. We are calling it “20Schemes” and further details will follow. We are launching this project in partnership with a church in Kentucky called Bardstown Christian Fellowship, itself planted by a Scotsman, Matthew Spandler-Davison. We are also benefitting hugely from the…