Great little article here. there is an almost cult like obsession with ‘self-esteem’ in modern society. This is one of the big expressions on the estate. ‘My social worker says I have a low self esteem issue and I need to love myself more’. It drives me potty. The Bible says we do have a self esteem issue. the problem being that we love ourselves too much. What we need is to love ourselves less and love God more.
People seem to have an almost paranoic aversion to use the word ‘failure’ today. But the Bible sets us up constantly for failure. The disciples constantly messed up and Jesus was quick to point this out and use it as an opportunity to teach them a deeper spiritual truth. We must use the times when our children fail to teach them about repentance, faith, reconciliation, forgiveness and a deep reliance on the Holy Spirit.
The gospel is made all the more glorious and grace filled when seen in the light of our many failings.