This has always been an important part of family life in our house. I have read to the girls from the Bible since the first day of their birth. We have studied many books and plans over the years, most notably in recent times, Mark’s gospel and a book called, ‘The Lamb’.
At the moment we are going through this book together at teatimes. What I like about this book is how it teaches my children how the Old Testament consistently points forward to the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s set out to be done in 10 minutes but very often I will embellish it or add in a little quiz with chocolate prizes just to ensure maximum attention!
My girls find it very clear and helpful and it has led to a lot of interesting discussions off the back of our studies. I think that this is an area sadly lacking in many Christian households today. I am constantly trying to encourage my people that no child is too young nor too old to begin putting a devotional structure into their lives. You can read an interesting article here about the issue. Also, on this site you can download a monthly reading plan for your children. If you want something longer then go to this site for a helpful download.
I would be interested to know what others are doing with their children and what they have found particularly helpful.