Recommended Resources (Page 22)

Recommended Resources (Page 22)

Church Planting on the Grantham Estate!

Daniel and Grace Howson   1.    Tell us a little about yourself. I am 50 years old and was born in France from missionary parents.  I became a Christian when I was ten, then a year later we moved back to England and my Dad became a pastor of an Evangelical Church in Suffolk. After leaving school, I spent two years…

How Are Single Mothers Supposed To Raise Godly Young Men?

By Sharon Dickens (Women’s Worker at NCC & Single Mother) I was interested and challenged reading Mez’s blog a few months ago about raising our sons to be Godly men. One of the questions rolling around my head has simply been, “How different is it raising godly men when the father is absent,…

Church Planting Supersite!!

I am always on the hunt for good resources when it comes to church planting. The problem we have in the UK is the lack of quality material on the topic, relevant to our context. The problem we have in housing schemes is contextualising material written for a largely middle class demographic. However, if you can think on your feet and are able to work hard at this,…

PROXIMITY: For People Interested In Urban Ministry

Incarnational Living | Church Planting | Urban Youth Ministry | Missional Community| Urban Church Proximity 2012 is a conference happening this May (25th-26th) in Salford, hosted by the Eden Network. It aims to bring these five streams above together in one place for two days of vision,…