Prayer (Page 2)

Prayer (Page 2)

The Church & The Surprising Offence of God’s Love

I’ve been laid up in bed for a week after an accident and I pulled this book off my bookshelf, largely because I’m due to preach on the theme of God’s love in the coming week. Let me start by saying that this is quite a chunky book, considering the strap line: ‘Reintroducing…

The Church (The Gospel Made Visible)

So, I am just back from my summer holidays and I had a bit of a 9marks love fest when it came to holiday reading. I have just picked this one off the top of my pile and I shall be reviewing each book, in no particular order, over the coming weeks. For the uninitiated to this site, this is how I review books at Niddrie Pastor. 1. Content. Is it biblical? 2. Application. Is…

The Gospel is More Than a Story

“Christian faith is not primarily about arguing over right beliefs and doctrines, it is about letting the story of God’s grace become our story and shape our lives.” I am sure many of us (who read at least) have heard/read some version of that in recent years. “Storying” is very much in vogue in Evangelical circles right now. There is an…

Center (Centre) Church…Coming Soon

There’s a great new resource coming out from Tim Keller on doing and being church in the Twenty First Century. The book, entitled, “Center Church” will be out later in the year but, for now here is a little promo video (look out for Niddrie!). click on the link here.

5 Myths About Reformed Theology

There is a good article by Michael Horton here. On a side issue: Speaking as a  Calvinist can I say that in my experience in the UK we are a miserable breed. Some of my closest friends are Arminians and they are smart, savvy, warm and winsome in their approach to life. We can learn a lot from one another once we ease off on the polemics.

Communion: Rome v Reformed?

This is always an interesting area of debate, particularly in such a staunch Catholic stronghold such as ours in Niddrie. People may not go to church but they do hold on to their Catholicism. One topic that there tends to be a lot of confusion around is communion. There is an informative article here on some of the main points of difference. Consider the following…

15 Steps To A Long & Healthy Ministry In Housing Schemes!

Sometimes it’s the early morning phone call or the Sunday afternoon text when you’re settling down with the family. A crisis is at hand and you’re the one being called to deal with it. Emotions conflict. Is it an emergency? Can somebody else do it? Can it wait until tomorrow?…