Leadership/Ministry Training (Page 19)

Leadership/Ministry Training (Page 19)

When People Don’t Cut It

The hardest part about leading a team is making tough, sometimes unpopular decisions. Perhaps one of the most difficult is handling people who don’t really cut it in the intensity of inner city, church planting/renovation ministry. At NCC, I run what I call my ‘core team’, an ‘internship’ and ‘committed volunteers’. Core Team This…

Am I a leader?

This is a tough question and one that gets put to me quite often. What do I think the requirements are of somebody interested in church planting and working in inner city contexts? Too many to stick on one blog. So, let’s just kick around a few. 1. Do you have vision? Not can you see, but are you a visionary? Can you see potential where others see problems? Can you…

The Danger of Perfectionism

I found this little article really helpful in terms of helping me to engage with this issue a little more. Read it here. The danger for me is that I am such a perfectionist and even though I know it is unbiblical to think like this, I get horribly disappointed and frustrated at myself for failures in my life. I do work hard at teaching my team that if we’re not…

The Trellis & The Vine

This is a good book that has been out for a couple of years now. It is written by a man called Colin Marshall who has been involved in training men and women for ministry for over 30 years. His quite obvious focus is on training men and women in our churches to be effective gospel communicators, disciplers and trainers. His thesis is that if we train more people in…