Evangelism (Page 6)

Evangelism (Page 6)

Niddrie Football Academy!!

By Andy Constable We have been much in thought recently about how we are going to raise truly indigenous, disciplined young men as the future leaders of Niddrie Community Church. We need to have a long-term plan in place. Our aim is to try to grow men through a structured, football based outreach beginning at 5-6 years old and building an academy through their late teens…

What If We based Our Decisions On Community Instead Of Self Interest?

When was the last time you met a person who took a decision in their life based on how it would affect their Christian community? As a pastor I am informed about decisions to move house, job etc and my immediate response is always, ‘What is the motivation behind your decision?’ For a…

What’s So Good About Acts 29 Western Europe?

I found this video on their website recently. It is informative and helpful. Even though I am personally not involved in Acts29WE, the men that I have met who are, have been top quality. They are also in the process of beginning 1-2 year internships through their partner churches. I will publish…

Why Missional Living Really Sucks & What You Can Do About It!

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit,…

Mark Dever & Jim Wallis on Justice & The Gospel (Must See!)

This is an excellent series of clips debating some of the issues around the gospel, social justice and the mission of the church. Part I [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA9xs_nWiXQ&feature=related] Part II [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKshfOGUGMk&feature=relmfu] Part III…

Shalom in our Schemes: Impossible Ideal or Gospel Soaked Reality?

The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern (Prov. 29:7). Shalom has become a popular buzzword in certain evangelical circles, particularly around the whole ‘justice for the oppressed’ debate. What do we exactly mean by the word Shalom? Tim Keller…

Inner City Regeneration: Friend or Foe?

This is an emotive issue for many on our scheme. Much of the old housing and tenements have now gone from what was, historically, regarded as ‘old’ Niddrie. In its place are green fields, building sites, new flats, houses and a variety of government agencies and voluntary services. Almost everything feels new and shiny. The school, the doctor’s surgery,…