Discipleship (Page 9)

Discipleship (Page 9)

Stop Trying To “Fix” People On Our Council Estates & Housing Schemes!

When you try your best, but you don’t succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you can’t sleep Stuck in reverse And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can’t replace When you love someone, but it goes to…

Discipleship: What Does it Really Look LIke?

Thomas Chalmers, the well-known Scottish preacher, in his famous sermon, “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection,” says it all: “Seldom do any of our habits or flaws disappear by a process of extinction through reasoning or “by the mere force of mental determination.” Reason and willpower are not enough. “But what cannot be destroyed may be dispossessed… The only…

Am I Really a Church Planter?

Because church planting seems to be “in” at the moment, there seems to be an endless supply of young men (and old) putting themselves forward as “planters”. Interestingly, very few feel “called” to housing schemes/council estates (although a few of us in the UK are seeing a slow but steady turn around in this). Perhaps the most popular…

What Should Christians Really Think About the Homosexual Marriage Debate?

The issue, as per usual, is all over the media once again. Hats off to the homosexual lobby for keeping this issue alive. I read somewhere that there are less homosexuals in our country than evangelicals, but whilst we all waste time fighting about hymn books and the use of drums in worship, they…

Reaching The Unreached 2012: Getting Started & Keeping Going!

This is a conference for those working in inner city areas, council estates and housing schemes. Check out their website here. This is a preview of their conference this week where I will be speaking twice. Please pray for it and for the many faithful pastors, evangelists and gospel workers in the…

Building a Gospel Centred Community

by Andy Constable I am very privileged to work in an environment that is gospel focused. I came onto the Niddrie team 2 years ago and one of the reasons for doing so was because Mez’s vision was and is to bring the gospel to bear in his life, the life of the church and into the community of Niddrie. I haven’t had to build a gospel community because the building…

T4G Conference 2012: Missionary Pastors Grow Missionary Churches (7)

Speaker: David Platt Text: Revelation 5 Title: Divine Sovereignty: The Fuel of Death-Defying Missions Find the sermon online here. For those of you who have been following these posts, this is my final one. The more beady eyed among you will know that there were 9 main sessions at T4G but I only…