Discipleship (Page 22)

Discipleship (Page 22)

Eating like Jesus

by Andy Constable Jesus proclaims in Luke 7:34, “The Son of Man came eating and drinking”. It’s interesting as you read Luke’s gospels just how many encounters Jesus has while eating. There are over 10.  It’s one of his main mission strategies. He uses the dining room as a place to teach, to challenge social norms and show up people’s hearts. Jesus’ actions around meals,…

Effective Discipleship For a Non Reading Generation

Great little post here on community-shaped discipleship in youth work by Josh Cousineau. He sets up 2 models of discipleship we might employ in our youth work; 1) giving them a chapter of a good book to read and discussing it together the next week, or 2) living life together in community, allowing…

Gospel Zeal

by Andy Constable Paul writes in Philippians 1:12 “Now I want you to know brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.”  There must have been questions flying round the church in Phillipi whilst Paul, their spiritual leader, was in prison. What’s going to happen to the gospel? What’s God doing here? Is Paul OK? But Paul reports that what…

Growing Indigenous Leaders

We’re really blessed on the ministry team here at NCC to have 8 individuals with different gifts, abilities, and backgrounds. We wouldn’t be so effective as a team if we were all the same as Mez. God intends for His church to be a diverse body of believers (Rom 12:4-10, 1 Cor 12:14-31), and the ministry team benefits from a similar diversity. It would be…

Driscoll on Christians & Alcohol

For those of you who know me well I have been quite a fan of Driscoll. However, I have been put off him recently by some of his behaviour, outbursts and the justification he offers behind some of his language. He seems to be getting increasingly out of control (but maybe it’s me becoming more ‘sensitive’). He has said some silly stuff in the past about…

Win them with fun!

For the past few weeks I’ve been blogging about an evangelical documentary on youth ministry from the States, produced in association with the National Centre for Family Integrated Churches, called Divided. If you missed my previous posts, you can check them out here: PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 So far I’ve been quite critical about the film but, as I’ve…

Is youth ministry biblical? PART 3

Hopefully by now you’re familiar with the American short film called Divided. It comes from the NCFIC (National Centre for Family Integrated Churches) and it makes the case against segregated youth ministry as it has no basis in scripture and is founded upon pagan evolutionary principles. If you missed my first two posts, you can find them here: PART 1 and PART 2.…