Church Planting (Page 6)

Church Planting (Page 6)

What Kind Of Leader Are You?

I read articles on leadership from time to time. As NCC grows (we will have 12 full-time staff of all levels, including me this year) I like to keep an interest on team management/leading etc. Recently, I took an online test at which offers a ‘trust quotient self diagnostic test’. Obviously, these things can be fixed and slanted by a…

Should Baptism Be Spontaneous?

I am still mulling this over in Niddrie. I am so slow to baptise here, largely because I fear doing it falsely and we end up with a community of people who ‘got baptised at the mission’ but are now nowhere with the Lord. we have seen so many profess faith over the years but 90% are nowhere. This is an ongoing battle. The attraction of baptising more people and…

The Church (The Gospel Made Visible)

So, I am just back from my summer holidays and I had a bit of a 9marks love fest when it came to holiday reading. I have just picked this one off the top of my pile and I shall be reviewing each book, in no particular order, over the coming weeks. For the uninitiated to this site, this is how I review books at Niddrie Pastor. 1. Content. Is it biblical? 2. Application. Is…

The Gospel is More Than a Story

“Christian faith is not primarily about arguing over right beliefs and doctrines, it is about letting the story of God’s grace become our story and shape our lives.” I am sure many of us (who read at least) have heard/read some version of that in recent years. “Storying” is very much in vogue in Evangelical circles right now. There is an…

Center (Centre) Church…Coming Soon

There’s a great new resource coming out from Tim Keller on doing and being church in the Twenty First Century. The book, entitled, “Center Church” will be out later in the year but, for now here is a little promo video (look out for Niddrie!). click on the link here.

Building Friendships in Ministry

Friendship is of fundamental importance in our type of ministry. Schemes can be a place where we glimpse light and life one day and unrelenting darkness and hardship the next. We can feel like we’re making progress and then, like lightning, we can be sucked into the slough of despond. There’s lots of talk about accountability and mentorship in Christian…